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What Can I Replace Cottage Cheese With on Military Diet

Military Diet Substitutions List

One of the most common complaints about the Military Diet Plan is that some of the food options aren't exactly enjoyable by all.  Not everyone likes grapefruit or black coffee, and these are two of the key foods on the 3 day diet plan. Luckily for you, there are some substitutions you can make to get the same results.  Here is our list of foods you can swap out for something you prefer!

Military Diet Food and Drinks Substitutions List

GrapefruitGrapefruit Substitution Baking Soda

This is one of the most commonly disliked foods on the 3 day diet plan.  Unfortunately, it is a very key part of the diet and you can't swap it for an orange or another citrus fruit.  If you refuse to eat grapefruit or drink grapefruit juice (that you can sweeten with Stevia), there is another option.

You can have a piece of fruit that is the caloric equivalent to half of a grapefruit (such as a small apple). And then you need to mix half a teaspoon of baking soda with a cup of water and drink this mixture .  The reason for this is that both baking soda and components of grapefruit help produce alkaline which will help combat the fat that thrives in an acidic environment.

Black CoffeeBlack Coffee Substitution

The important thing about having your morning cup of black coffee is that it is caffeinated.  This caffeine will help stimulate your metabolism to be burning energy and calories throughout the day.  You can swap black coffee for black tea providing it is caffeinated.  Remember, you can't add any cream or sugar to your coffee because they are high in calories.  However, a splash of non-fat milk is very low in calories.  Or, ideally, you can get some sugar-free and calorie-free creamers which will have no impact on your results.  If you want to sweeten the coffee or tea, you can add a sugar-free sweetener like Stevia or Splenda.

Canned TunaMilitary Diet Substitution for Canned Tuna

Some people quite quickly aren't fish eaters and hate tuna, especially when it is canned!  What is important is to eat another source of protein that has roughly the same calorie content as the canned tuna.

For example, on Day 1 for lunch, you have to eat 1/2 cup of tuna.  This is the equivalent of 90 calories.

On Day 3 during dinner you'll have 1 full cup of tuna. This will equal 180 calories.

A canned tuna substitute for Day 1 would be 2-3 ounces of boneless skinless chicken breast or turkey (or another lean meat source)

3 Day Diet Alternative for Peanut Butter

On Day 3, you would have twice that amount, so 5 ounces or so of a low-fat meat product.

If you're vegan or vegetarian, you can substitute 1/2 cup of tuna for 1/2 cup of tofu.

Peanut Butter

If you don't like peanut butter (are you crazy?) or if you are allergic, you can substitute it for any other type of seed or nut butter like almond, sunflower seed, pistachio, etc.

If you are allergic to all nuts, you might want to swap it for another food item that contains healthy monounsaturated fats. These choices include 1/4 cup of hummus, 1/2 an avocado or 1 tablespoon of olive oil.

EggsSubstitute for Eggs

There are three different occasions throughout the Military diet plan where you'll need to eat eggs. You can prepare these eggs any way you like. (If the diet says hard-boiled, you can still prepare it fried or scrambled). Just make sure not to use more than a light spray of oil.

However, if you hate eggs full stop, you can substitute them for another source of protein. 1 whole egg contains 80 calories. You can switch this for 1/2 cup of tuna, 2-3 ounces of chicken, deli slices of ham or turkey breast, etc.

Cottage Cheese Substitutions

Cottage Cheese

This is another one of the most disliked food items on the list.  Cottage cheese is generally low in fat and calorie and high in protein, so you CANNOT swap it for cheddar or mozzarella cheese.

Sorry! However, you can switch it for plain yogurt or Greek yogurt (1-2% fat) or a yogurt sweetened instead of with added sugar.

If you have any other questions about the various military diet substitutions, write a comment below!

What Can I Replace Cottage Cheese With on Military Diet
