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Can a Wrinkled Condom Be Straightened Again

There are several different types of catheter – condom, intermittent, urethral and suprapubic. Which one is used depends on the severity of a person's condition and symptoms and how long the catheter is needed. Unlike types of catheter can be used at dissimilar times depending on a person's irresolute needs. An indwelling catheter is used when all other types of treatment have failed. The all-time alternative to it – a condom catheter or intermittent self catheterisation – is usually considered offset.

External catheters are the to the lowest degree invasive for draining urine and are available equally penile sheath catheters for men (rubber catheters). Here, men talk virtually their experiences of using a safety catheter. Because this website focuses on the experiences of people living with a long-term indwelling catheter and intermittent self catheterisation, a condom catheter – if used at all – was commonly used simply in the brusk-term. When it became articulate that an indwelling catheter would be more suitable, the condom catheter was no longer used. Rubber catheters are a good way of collecting urine in men who have no urinary retention or urinary obstacle and tin can use their easily well enough to be able to use the catheter themselves. With prophylactic catheters, the risks of dissentious the urethra and of infection are less.

A consultant explains why a prophylactic catheter can be useful for some people and shows an example of...

A consultant explains why a condom catheter can exist useful for some people and shows an example of...

The external catheter or prophylactic catheter is useful because it avoids having to pass a catheter through the urethra. Information technology is simply applicative in males, but it is a condom which is rolled onto the penis and it has an adhesive surface to it which maintains information technology itself in position. So that is the condom fitted onto a penis and the stop of the rubber is drained into a leg purse.

Now this is of value in some elderly patients who are troubled with incontinence when they are in bed. Only the trouble is that in elderly men the penis retracts and the condom comes off. Or sometimes the condom can twist around and so information technology fails to bleed and urine then builds upward behind and washes the catheter, the prophylactic off the penis. So there are issues with maintaining a condom catheter in position. If information technology tin can be maintained in position that's very good.

But then there are other occasions when sometimes men develop an allergy to the adhesive on the rubber, and they go a serious skin reaction. And so there are always problems with every blazon of apparatus that you do use. Just information technology is useful in some cases.

A condom catheter is a urine storage device that tin be used to treat short-term incontinence in men. Information technology consists of a flexible sheath that fits over the penis just like a safe. The safe catheter is rolled onto the penis and attached to it using double-sided agglutinative, a jockey-type strap or a foam strap. The catheter is continued to a tube that drains the urine into a drainage handbag. Condom catheters are available in many sizes. Leg numberless also come in different sizes and can vary from brand to brand.As the bag fills, it becomes heavier. Prophylactic catheters are available in latex and silicone. Latex rubber can crusade problems for some people with allergies. A prophylactic catheter and leg bag should cause no problems in normal daily activities. John Y, a 77-year-old man with a neurological condition called spastic tetraparesis, started using a safe catheter when he establish he had to pass urine urgently. A urologist [a md who specialises in urinary tract problems and the male reproductive organs] after recommended an indwelling catheter.

John Y was wheelchair jump and unable to rush to the toilet so a condom catheter helped. When he...

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John Y was wheelchair leap and unable to rush to the toilet so a condom catheter helped. When he...

Age at interview: 77

Sex activity: Male



I'yard 77 and I retired just before my 63rd birthday because I was having neurological problems, largely to exercise with my legs. At that fourth dimension I didn't have any urinary problems at all. But the disease I've got is progressive and my arms are affected. My legs got more and more than bad, weak, till I became wheelchair leap virtually four, 5 years agone. And my arms are beginning to exist afflicted now too.

About 2 years agone I was enlightened that I was having to strain to pass water. I did attempt and mention it to my GP but he didn't have it seriously at the time. And I said, "Perhaps I've got retentivity with overflow." And he pushed me in the tummy and said, "No, you haven't." And I recall he may take missed a take chances at that point to spot that something was going on.

Anyhow I used to control my, I used to have urgency micturition [urination] which was a great problem. So I started wearing a Conveen during the day and a leg bag. And this meant that it didn't matter where I was. If I had to pee, I could only pee and information technology went into my leg bag.

Could you lot talk near that in a bit more than detail, the advantages and disadvantages of having that?

Well if I had been able bodied I could probably have just run to the loo. But considering I was wheelchair bound, there was no way I could deal with it. And when I got about 200, 250 in my float, the reflex would set up and I had to pee. And that was why I wore a Conveen.

If I was going out for an evening, I used to fluid restrict myself a scrap so that I knew the handbag wouldn't be a problem. And this particular night, most thirteen months agone, I did fluid restrict before I went out.

When I came back my wife said, "Oh you haven't passed much urine in this bag, yous'd ameliorate drink some water." And I said, "Well actually I recollect I've got some in my float and I oasis't been able to pass it."

So I was enlightened then that at that place was a problem. And I did something a scrap stupid. I tried to beverage myself out of it. I thought well I'll drink lots and see whether or non I can pass whatever urine and I didn't. I got progressively more and more distended and and then I did manage to pass some, I passed almost 900ml.

Just by the time the emergency doc came, even despite that he said I'd probably got another six or seven hundred even so in my float. And he initially said, "But every bit yous've passed 900 shall we just look a couple of hours and meet if you tin can pass some more?"

This is your GP?

No, this was the emergency medico. He was a GP but information technology was an emergency thing. And I call up that was a mistake really. I think I should have had a catheter in at that betoken.

Just anyway iii hours after I phoned him up and said, "Can you come up and do it?" And he said well he was busy with something but he'd got a nurse by his side who was experienced and he'd ship her.

She came and she put a urethral catheter in, and I had that in for a couple of days. I consulted with the GP and I said I'd like to be referred to an old friend, who was a urologist I'd known for years. I went to see him and he was very concerned about how much I'd distended my bladder considering he said, nosotros reckoned I'd had more 2000 in it at one phase.

This is a urologist?

A urologist. And he said, "Oh I don't remember it will recover at all. I will investigate yous if y'all want but I think, with you existence in a wheelchair, the simplest affair to do is

Badg and Martin tried condom catheters when they were first spinally injured. Badg spent 7 months in a spinal injury unit and, later on existence given a urethral catheter first, nurses tried to see if he could manage with a safe catheter instead. He establish, though, that for him it caused the onset of mild autonomic dysreflexia.This is a potentially life threatening condition that needs immediate medical attention. It occurs when the claret pressure level in a person with a spinal cord injury above T5-6 becomes excessively high because of the over-activity of the autonomic nervous arrangement. The almost mutual symptoms are sweating, pounding headache, tingling sensation on the face and neck, blotchy skin around the neck and goose bumps. The symptoms may non all appear at in one case and their severity may vary.

Badg tried a condom catheter and and so the doctor recommended a suprapubic one. After talking to...

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Badg tried a rubber catheter and so the doctor recommended a suprapubic one. After talking to...

Age at interview: 58

Sex: Male



Approximately 17, it could accept been eighteen years ago, I was trimming the hedge at the lesser of the garden. I fell off the steps, broke my neck, C6/seven incomplete. I finished up at the spinal unit of measurement. I had vii months in there.

I had an indwelling catheter while I was lying down on traction. I stayed with that and then started to experiment with that, or the nurses in the spinal unit of measurement did. We tried, considering I was incomplete, it's a slightly reflex bladder and slightly non. And then nosotros did take a go at condom drainage but it doesn't work very well. It makes me slightly dysreflexic, just only but very slightly.

So then I was offered a suprapubic catheter, which was not an easy decision at the time, not knowing what it was going to exist similar, which you never will till you lot've got it. I just talked to other people well-nigh information technology. Everybody I'd met seemed adequately happy, except the guy on the bed next door who had a terrible problem with blocking all the fourth dimension with whatever catheter.

The main disadvantage of condom catheters is irritation if attached too tightly. Penile ulceration, scarring and penile tissue loss can event. Dislodgement and leaking can also be a problem. Making sure the tubing is either taped to the leg or strapped and so it volition not move around can solve the problem of dislodgement. The catheter record and adhesive can brand some people sore.

Charles, who had multiple sclerosis since 1986, started using intermittent self catheterisation (ISC) in 2005 when he found information technology hard to control his bladder. In 2009, he adult brachial neuritis, which express the use of his hands then ISC became more and more hard. When he damaged his urethra while trying to self catheterise, he had to go into hospital. He tried using a condom catheter but said 'yous need the right penis for it'.

Charles had bug with the condom catheter coming off and leaking. He tried it for ii or three...

Charles had issues with the rubber catheter coming off and leaking. He tried it for 2 or 3...

Age at interview: 57

Sex: Male

They too tried me on sheath catheters, on basically a rubber drain rather than using a bottle.

Tin can you talk almost that for a bit?

Well, the sheath catheters are a good idea only I think you need, to be blunt, you need the right penis for it.

The right?

The right penis for it. I remember you actually need to be, you tin't really have a foreskin with that sort of thing.

Does information technology go sore?

No, it'south non that. Information technology'due south simply that if you lot put information technology on, then the foreskin moves around a bit and it comes off. And it wrinkles and information technology doesn't stick very well. So you actually get, the problem is it will crinkle up and leak. And and so it, for me, wasn't a success.

For other people I believe it worked okay. But I tried it for a skilful two, three weeks. Simply I should think in that flow I probably had, in the bed, four accidents. Y'all know, peculiarly at night.

And then it was decided that, I think, to put me forwards that I should have a suprapubic catheter.

Was that considering sometimes you were leaking when you weren't using the bottle and you couldn't control the urine menstruation?

I think, yeah, I was on inco sheets, which were the sheets on the bed all the time, simply in instance. I mean I was still on the oxybutynin and the Desmotabs [medications] in infirmary and I'd got beyond that. Yous know, I had a trouble.

And then I needed a collection method of urine, otherwise I would be wearing nappies or something like that all the time.

Stuart said he hadn't met anyone yet who'd been able to get on with a condom catheter. He felt that such a catheter was 'a non-starter' for him personally because he had very little employ of his hands afterward a spinal injury.

The problems with condom catheters include irritation from the adhesive and the catheter coming...

The bug with condom catheters include irritation from the adhesive and the catheter coming...

Age at interview: 61

Sex activity: Male

For near 37 years there have been no changes to the Foley Catheter. And the alternatives to it, such as the Conveen or intermittent catheterisation, that ane is a not-starter for somebody similar myself whose hands don't work.

With regards to the Conveen, I've yet to meet anybody who has had a long term success story with that, either because of the irritation from the glues that are used to attach them, or from the variation in size of penis during the day, trying to proceed them on at whatever the state of play is. And and then of all of the alternatives, the suprapubic is much the almost favourable, but does create a lot of infections.

Infection is a risk with condom catheters too. Peter Y, who'd had a spinal injury later breaking his neck in a machine accident, used a condom catheter for over 30 years. He then inverse to a urethral catheter around 2003 after several infections and urinary retention.

Peter Y had no infections in the start 10 years he used a condom catheter. After a stressful time...

Peter Y had no infections in the first ten years he used a condom catheter. Afterward a stressful time...

Age at interview: 65

Sexual practice: Male

From 1969 till about 2002, I used a condom. In fact two or three different kinds in that fourth dimension, and continued to a leg purse. And I think going for the first x years with no infection.

I had a period of stress at that time and got an infection. And I also had some difficulties with some relatives who had craven pox who came very shut to me. And, although I'd had chicken pox as a child, the side effects I got from that went direct into my kidneys in that I blew up similar a balloon and my water residual was completely shot. Those were minor issues afterward in that I did recover quite well and was still using a safety in 2002/3. Then I got a long time using that system.

So I had, this is a recurring theme, I had another quite big menstruation of stress in my business concern life because I have, although I'm in a wheelchair, I have worked all my life more or less, not immediately after the accident only very quickly subsequently. As a result, I plant I wasn't passing water during the day. I was passing h2o at nighttime, fairly filthy looking stuff, but I wasn't passing it during the day which was aye, is bizarre.

So I went to my GP and it actually took nine months to refer this to a consultant at the local hospital, which was as well long. And I was feeling pretty groggy by the fourth dimension the urethral catheter went in.

Most of the men we interviewed who used a condom catheter did and so before having an indwelling one, but Kenneth started using a prophylactic catheter after having had a urethral catheter for 8 years. He'd been diagnosed with prostate cancer in 1994 and became incontinent after the surgery. In 2002 medical staff found information technology incommunicable to insert a new catheter and he at present uses a safe catheter. He has learnt nigh it through trial and error.

Kenneth hasn't looked back since having a condom catheter. He washes it every night and changes...

Kenneth hasn't looked back since having a condom catheter. He washes it every night and changes...

Age at interview: lxxx

Sexual practice: Male person

You had the catheter for about eight years, you said?


So finally what made you make up one's mind not to have i anymore?

I didn't decide. My body decided, it decided information technology for me. It just rejected the catheter. Every time it was put in, information technology wouldn't go in, information technology was rejected. So then it was suggested that I tried a Conveen. Which, I haven't looked back since.

And how exercise you get on with the Conveen? Do you find that quite easy?

Fine, aye. Change it every day, wash at night and, as I say, change it every day. And absolutely superb. Don't look back.

How often do yous really have to empty that? Does it drain into a bag?

No, the Conveen is fastened to the end of the penis and then information technology's attached to the bag. The bag lasts a week, washed out every day. The Conveen I alter every mean solar day in the evening when I accept a shower.

Y'all put a new one on?

Yes. I accept tried information technology going longer but information technology'll do two days if necessary. Three days, and then you run the risk of the adhesive breaking downward and information technology comes away.

Practice you find the skin gets sore at all?

Occasionally. The worst thing of course is, if you're not careful when you put it on, you get blisters on the end, which is painful. Merely then you just accept to put upwardly with it, don't you?

And does that drain into a pocketbook that yous strap to your leg again?

Yes, only the same equally with a catheter.

And how high upwards the leg would you position information technology?

Just below the genu.

So that works quite well?

Yes, just pinnacle strap there, bottom strap there.

I remember your medico will tell yous what size is required. And the merely advice I can requite is cleanliness. Launder every solar day. Exercise non miss, it doesn't matter how tired you are at dark, wash, become it clean, go on it clean. I should call back that is half the battle of being salubrious. Simply y'all must, and I can't emphasise it enough, keep clean.

And what well-nigh everyday life with a Conveen? Do yous have the same trouble that you can't go for very energetic walks?


Or is it easier?

No, it'due south not easier.

Because you've got the bag there?

You've got the bag there and if you're not careful, a long walk would cause a cicatrice.

At the end of the penis?

Aye. So therefore y'all exercise curt walks. And, as I say, yous've merely got to be conscientious that the tube doesn't twist when it's on the end. Because if the tube twists confronting the handbag, it stops the wee coming through and it'll rub as you walk.

Oh, yep, of course.

So you lot've got to bear it all in mind.
